What is exactly is this ride and why?

I am planning on leaving on May 14th from Jamestown, CA and taking 6 days to travel the 3000+ miles. Along the way, I am planning to only sleep at VFW's...with my sleeping bag, tent and MRE's...because that is how we roll in the military!! I just finished medical school and unemployed...so, what better time to raise awareness of the closeness that our country once had and the reasons for why we enjoy this free country. There will also be a pair of empty military boots on my back seat...this is in memory of the hereos that aren't able to be able to enjoy my family and country. Yes, I myself am a wounded warrior and this ride will be a little challenging, but remember the old saying...there is always someone worse off than you!! All wanting to, may contact me through this blog and I will try to respond back ASAP. This is not about one man...but instead the strength and courage of all involved....living and deceased. In God We Trust

Monday, April 25, 2011

If it was easy... everyone would do it!!!

Starting to feel the pressure right now..have only 3 weeks to get everything together.  Only have one stop of where I will stay, haven't raised the money that I have wanted to so far, and then the pressures of being a provider for my family.  The two organizations have been so supportive.  Just need to find more help with the overnight stays and getting to Ground Zero.  But, like I have said...if it was easy, everyone would do it!!  There is alot of things that Veterans do that isn't exactly the easiest or the smoothest...but we do it.  Why?  It is for a bigger cause than any one person!!  God Bless all!!!

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